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Transmission from Autist Collective

1-4-2025 Transmission from Autist Collective

Some very significant changes happened to the earth this past week. A new earth electromagnetic grid activated yesterday and this is magnetically drawing more of the beyond verbal autists “down” to land in their bodies. This is embodiment in a sense but I’m reminded that they’re a different collective consciousness - they’re still human but loosely connected to various degrees to their bodies. Thus, their embodiment is like pulling the heavens down from where their core consciousness has remained. 

I’ll be transmitting the “download” from this collective that I received tomorrow live on our YouTube channel (I know the link won’t work on Instagram but the channel is @moonorosone9623. Here’s some of the other topics:

-2025 the Year of the So(u)l/Sun. What’s a soul matrix? Do the autists have a soul matrix? (the answer is yes)

-What do these beyond verbal autists have to share about the next few years as they embody? For the planet? How does this relate to the changes happening to them? If you can’t make it live, the replay will be there to watch at your convenience. #non-verbalautistism #beyondverbal #revealingthejewelsofautism #autistcollective #collectiveconsciousnessofthechildren #planetaryshift #gaia #heavenonearth #newearth #co-create #soul #soulmission #embody #autismembodiment 



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