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Recent Social Media shares & Cosmic Arthtopods

Writer: Susan OrosSusan Oros

Alchemy of Scorpions

How is everyone doing? I meant to share this last Friday but this weekend was more intense than expected and just strange. I’ve been feeling the cosmic human template landing. This encompasses a connection with the balanced Cosmic Mother and Cosmic Father to embody. It impacts our inner masculine/feminine, mental/emotional, electric/magnetic aspects so it feels like it will take time to adapt to, and will stir up a lot in the physical body. I’m writing this in the energy of the solar eclipse happening on Oct 2 so I’m going to keep this brief otherwise I’ll never get it out.

Re: Scorpions. I never imagined I’d be drawing scorpions. These drawings began when my youngest son told me of his dream of a green scorpion over his chest which protected him from a satanic looking entity. He asked me to draw it. I started with the green one then I began seeing a black one and also a gold one. The background of the scorpions is a transmission from 17D of dissipating energy to assist us in dissolving more physical overlays in our bodies. The black one is like an expression of dark matter mother (in a “good” way). There are multi-colored dots on this one and felt like the black scorpion is eating up parasites in other dimensional levels in my body. Some say in order to clear parasites in the physical, one must also clear at higher dimensional levels such as the astral in conjunction with physical parasite cleanse. This will assist in the physical detox so the parasites don’t manifest again. The black also represents absorption and death and rebirth. The emerald green is protective and supportive of manifesting the true cosmic human template. The gold one feels like it is supporting the manifestation of the human gold body and feels like it assists in balancing the protons, electrons, and neutrons in our atoms. Scorpions are arachnids which I just learned. They have 8 legs like the spider (plus the claws which I guess are more like arms). So they hold the alchemy of the number 8 which to me is assisting to neutralize extreme polarity in the body. Much of what we’re undergoing in this phase and going forward is very physical so that we can transform our reality. We are the co-creators and our inner state of fully embodying our spirit is what will create the outer world. Keeping it short. Please use your own discernment in how to work with these scorpions. I’m riding waves at the moment!… I put 3 on 1 page so if you want to print for personal use. #scorpionalchemy #alchemyof8 #embodycosmichuman 

It's been a few weeks since I've posted. There is always amazing and intense activity. It's a given these days. The fall equinox was a marker that set us on a trajectory to reveal more, heal more, and lead us to into the alchemizing power of the 9 - 2025. The process is already under way. The 8 is a powerful number to resolve all duality and polarity all the down to the subatomic levels. The 9 is a number of completion and wholeness. It is another exponential number, 3 to the 2nd power which means 3x3. We actually also have 9 physical body chakras, not just 7. The 8th is the high heart and the 9th is actually heavens gate in the entry into the brainstem.

Today, I'm actually posting to catch our subscribers up on some social media posts and images. Additionally, check out a Patreon post which takes you to a fascinating YouTube video about the Cosmic Arthropods and how the fallen technology has contributed our fallen system on earth. Webbing technology as I'm seeing and sensing is a very important foundation in scaffolding our reality. Be sure to scroll all the way down for 2 more images and brief explanations about them.


This is an unusual drawing of a stingray. I used a reference image but as I drew the eyes, it kept coming out as if it’s looking right at you. Think of it as a primordial being from Mother’s liquid universe that is like a great womb. As I drew, the stingray felt like it’s encoded with the trinitized form - a base triangular form that is complete balance of the electric and magnetic, male & female. Thus our electromagnetics are coming into this deep resolution. In this state, we experience true inner oneness and wholeness as all polarity and duality in the physical state comes into resolution. Our karma, personally and the lineage, is resolved. Mental and emotional (another electric and magnetic) comes into resolution. Let the transmission of the image process through. How does it affect you? #triwave #trinity #trinitizedform #resolvepolarity #harmonize #innerpeace #Wholeness #Oneness #sol 



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We share much of the information and energetic codes freely in service to the All and in accordance with the Law of One, and do not consent others to sell or profit from them for personal gain. You may share images in its whole with credit given to MoonOros.One, and blogs and written material must be shared in its entirety.    

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