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2025 New Years Message

2025 New Year Message

Blessings for a wonderful year. Sammie says that 2025 is the year of the So(u)l/Sun. Our Sun’s radiance and emanations will be so powerful that it will be as if your soul matrix is being burned into your heart. In this way, more will align to their soul’s calling or “mission”. You may be planning a career change, moving physically, or taking on a new project/projects that you expresses your soul. Whatever your endeavor, business or “work”, there will be a deeper feeling to serve. Business is a service. What you offer will be imprinted with your soul’s essence and reflect who you are regardless of whether it’s a tangible good or a non-tangible which enhances someone’s emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being because the very matter of the “thing” will be imprinted with your soul’s energy. In this way, your authenticity is key. Your voice and your word will mean something deeper than you’ve ever known. This is a foundational principle in order to co-create a new earth. Your heart and so(u)l “matters”. Create loving environments. Create love filled buildings. Create compassionate exchanges. Create beautiful landscapes. Create beautiful gardens and infuse food with Love. Create an open space in your heart and mind to receive inspiration from the God Source.

Background image is a blue copper rose that I drew on 12-20-2024. It was as if octopus blue blood, due to octopus’ use of copper rather than iron, splattered onto the canvas to be morphed into a blue rose. The shape often is a way of encapsulating the energy of it into a coherent form that we can relate to in this world. #revealingthejewelsofautism #soul #autismandtelepathy #newearth #5D #telepathy#transcend #quantumleap



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We share much of the information and energetic codes freely in service to the All and in accordance with the Law of One, and do not consent others to sell or profit from them for personal gain. You may share images in its whole with credit given to MoonOros.One, and blogs and written material must be shared in its entirety.    

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